Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hail to the Chief!

Sometimes you just have to step up and do what's right even if it's something that you never imagined you would do.  This is how I found myself as union president this year.  Now anybody who knows me even a little can only imagine the step of faith I am taking to accept this role.  For one thing - I have never had any union experience nor do I have any family history of involvement.  I am a life long conservative Republican (most of the time) and until 5 years ago, I had never worked anyplace that had a union.

Enter my new favorite verse - I can do all things through Christ!  I have already had more meetings, spoken with more people, worked late, and dug into issues that 3 months ago wouldn't even have made me blink!  Do I anticipate a major life philosophy change due to my new role?  Not really.  I hope that I can put God's stamp on an already great organization by being faithful, honest, hard-working, and courageous.  As one who has spent most of her time behind the scenes where it's comfortable, I do think I will cover a lot of new ground this year.

Christians - let's not be afraid of the world but let's get in there, get our hands dirty (not our hearts) and make a difference.