Sunday, September 19, 2010

I really can do all things.

Philippians 4:13.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This is the year I live this verse, not just quote it.  Let me explain:  I have been a Christian since September 27, 1984.  I have lived a good life and done many things.  I serve in the church and have served faithfully for many years.  What's the big deal?  I'm living my "good" Christian life in the shadows, behind closed doors, in the walls of the church, and in my private life.  This year I want to live as a Christian in front of the world.  You see, it's easy to be "on fire for God" when I'm by myself with 4 bible translations and a concordance spread out before me.  My question to myself is this: "What do people see?"  Am I doing what Jesus would do, saying what He would say?  So this is an opportunity for me to practice what I have preached and believed for the last 26 years. Come what may - I'm about to go viral!

I love the first 4 chapters of Proverbs.  One of my favorite verses is 3:8 .  In the Message it reads as follows:  Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life!  Now I have been meditating on this verse for some time, rejoicing in the fact that if I know the word and live the word I will be so healthy even my bones will vibrate with life.  That is an amazing picture to me.  Of course, like many people, I have a lot of health and fitness knowledge but I haven't always maintained the ship - if you know what I mean...  Since I want to live my life by faith I have been working on hearing from God and doing what He says to me. (Yes I really do believe that I hear from God - literally!)  So Saturday morning this is what I heard.  "You need to run."  That's it.  Not "it would be healthy for you to run" or "you need to start exercising."  So I went for a run.  While running I was reminded of the above proverb.  The next thing I heard was "an instrument needs some kind of action to vibrate."  Oh.  You see I have been a lot of a couch potato lately.  It seems that inactivity breeds more inactivity which leads to depression and blah.  Now I'm wondering in how many other areas of my life  I need to put some action to my ideas. 

So this is the starting point of my big blogging experience. As for the title - I want to be able to look back on this year, and every year after, and see that God was right about me when He said I could do all things.  I know He is right, His word is true.  It's time I started living like it, don't you think?

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